Monday, 3 June 2013

journal post #7

Run Baby Run

Now Nicky is preaching and telling everybody about his story about why he is an ex Mau Maus leader. Everybody used to think that Nicky would never change and always be a cruel killer. but look at him now. he has finished collage, has a wife and a new baby, and has a pretty good job. Even though Both of them only make $10 an hour they are happy with everything they have.

"jesus christ" (P263)

This is important to me because i belive in god and its the greatest thing. God will always be there and is a life changer. When first become a christian its feels like you are being reborn.

journal post #6

 Run Baby Run

Nicky Cruz is now married to his wife that he has met in his christian collage. Nicky and his wife are now like a christian rehab. They take people off the street and help them kick their drug addiction. Right now they are now helping a women named Maria who does heroin. She did some pot but she wanted something stronger. Hows this happend? Maria was in a depression and her boyfriend Jhonny came and and gave her a "fix" and she became obsessed with it and started to be a prostitue for money.

What do you think of drugs like marjuana? do you think its okay?

"My girlfriends told me about their experiences with marijuana. They said it was okay as long as you didnt go onto something stronger."(P 244) 

This is important to me because even though people tell you experences with weed doesnt mean you should try it and be like them. Eventually after you start smoking you arent going to feel that sensation anymore so you are going to want something stronger.